
Une vision
                              de la nordicité
Emblématique de ce magnifique territoire et classé au patrimoine culturel du Québec, le Château Johan-Beetz surplombe
majestueusement la mer ainsi que le village depuis 1897.
Passionnés nous agissons dans le respect des traditions millénaires que les cultures autochtones entretiennent avec le territoire : prendre
juste ce qui est nécessaire dans l’instant présent, mettre en commun la récolte, et remercier la nature de sa générosité.

P Ê C H E D U R A B L E                   C U L T U R E
B I E N - Ê T R E                               G A S T R O N O M I E

Exhibition of Prints by Chantal Harvey
at Château Johan-Beetz

Chantal Harvey, a dedicated artist, showcases her remarkable prints at Château Johan-Beetz, reflecting her deep connection to the serene landscapes of the North Shore. Currently residing and working in her studio in Baie-Johan-Beetz, Chantal draws inspiration from the inherent beauty of nature and the breathtaking panoramas of the North Shore. Her work captures the essence of the flora and fauna she encounters in her daily life.

With international recognition and numerous accolades to her name, Chantal's exhibitions serve as immersive journeys through the northern territories. Each piece on display invites viewers to embark on a visual exploration of the richness and beauty of the natural world. Stepping into her studio is more than an art experience; it is an invitation to appreciate the diverse emotions she channels into her creations and to gain a heightened awareness of the magnificence that envelops us in nature.